Creativity enhances wellbeing
Creative Art Therapist Training
A career as a creative arts therapist is rewarding for many reasons. We’re also seeing the demand for this type of therapy increasing at levels we’ve never experienced before.
This powerful form of psychotherapy enhances a person’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. At DTNZ, we specialise in offering student placements to dance movement therapy and art therapy students nationwide.
Education Options
If you are interested in pursuing a career in creative arts therapy, there are a few options that you might like to consider that will help you become a dance movement therapist or art therapist. These are:
International (online) or Auckland
Dance Therapy Training Aotearoa: Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy and Intro to DMT workshops
Whitecliffe College: School of Creative Arts Therapies
University of Auckland: Masters in Dance Movement Therapy
Additional clinical experience and/or training may be necessary with some of the options listed above, in order to practice as a creative arts therapist.
A good way to begin your pathway into studying Dance Movement Therapy or Creative Arts Therapy is to attend a workshop or experiential group. If you have any question, please get in touch.
Where You Can Work
Some of the career options you will have as a creative arts therapist include working in:
• School counselling
• Community mental health settings
• Disability services
• Private practice
• Drug and alcohol services
• Trauma services (including ACC)
Professional Associations
Creative art therapists are highly trained. In New Zealand, only those therapists with professional or provisional professional membership with Dance Therapy Association of Australasia or American Dance Therapy Association (or an equivalent recognised body) can deliver creative-based therapies. All of the therapists at Dance & Art Therapy NZ meet these standards.
Some of these are listed below:
Work with Us under our ACC Sensitive Claims Contract
DTNZ is looking for new ACC Sensitive Claims providers to work with us to deliver therapeutic services to clients who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma via the ACC Sensitive Claims contract.
If you’re a registered psychologist, counsellor, or social worker, or creative arts therapist with ANZACATA membership and want to explore innovative approaches to therapy, please get in touch.