Safe spaces for connection and belonging.


STARS are fun, active and inclusive term-based workshops where tamariki and rangatahi with a disability can experience the joy of dance, be completely themselves and express their unique STAR qualities! Led by dance movement therapists, STARS fosters a supportive community where young people can connect, develop their creativity and experience a unique and meaningful sense of belonging.


Dance movement therapy provides a unique gateway into a child’s world. It encourages tamariki and rangatahi to interact and connect in ways that they feel safe, and we can gently guide them into a range of interactions, to expand their levels of comfort, and to move into skill building when appropriate.

Our STARS workshops combine creative expression (dance/movement, music, play and body awareness activities) with skill development (communication, self-regulation, motor planning and social interaction). The group activities support peer social relationships as the tamariki and rangatahi learn about each other by sharing through creative self-expression. These groups help tamariki and rangatahi develop understanding and empathy for others through following and responding to the actions, dance moves and musical dialogues of their peers.

Groups typically run for a school term and meet weekly for 60 minutes. Groups are limited to 10 participants to reduce the level of stimulation that some tamariki and rangatahi with special needs find challenging in group settings.

Please note that completing this enrolment form does not guarantee your placement in a STARS group.


Day & time: Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm

Age: 10 – 24 years old

Term 1, 2025: 12 February – 2 April
Term 2, 2025: 8 May - 26 June
Term 3, 2025: 24 July - 11 September
Term 4, 2025: 16 October - 4 December

Day & time: Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:30pm

Age: 10 – 24 years old

Term 2, 2025: 6 May - 24 June
Term 3, 2025: 22 July - 9 September
Term 4, 2025: 14 October - 2 December

Day & time: Wednesdays 3.45 - 4.45pm

Age: 6 – 12 years old

Term 1, 2025: 12 February – 2 April
Term 2, 2025: 7 May – 25 June
Term 3, 2025: 23 July – 10 September
Term 4, 2025: 15 October – 3 December

North Shore
Day & time: Saturdays, G1: 9.45 – 10.45am, G2: 11.15am –12.15pm

Age: G1: 6 – 12 years old
Age: G2: 10 – 24 years old

Term 1, 2025: 15 February – 5 April
Term 2, 2025: 3 May – 28 June (No session 21 June - Matariki Weekend)
Term 3, 2025: 19 July – 6 September
Term 4, 2025: 11 October – 29 November

The Cost of STARS

STARS run for part of each term. The cost for STARS over eight weeks is $165 plus GST for the whole term.

Please email for more information or click here to register your interest.

  • “What I mostly observed about my son is his improved ability to process his emotions, and he is more respectful of other people’s boundaries.”

    Parent, STARS

  • “She looks forward to attending each session and she is keen to see the other participants. Her interaction with the others informally has improved greatly this term - she greets and farewells each of them each session.”

    Parent, STARS