Supporting people in all situations.
Individual Therapy
If you want to unlock a new perspective in your life, why not try creative arts therapy?
We offer individual dance movement and art therapy sessions for adults and children. People use individual therapy for various reasons. From learning more about themselves, to exploring movement/art making in a therapeutic way to seeking help with a specific issue, we support people in all situations.
Individual dance and art therapy sessions are 50-60 minutes long (and usually involve eight sessions). Clients can explore their concerns/issues in a private setting with a registered, professional dance movement or art therapist. They take place in a comfortable space where art materials and dance movement-based equipment are available as needed. Talking can be a significant part of treatment and movement or art making may not be a part of every session. Both short-term and long-term therapy are offered, based on the client’s presenting concerns.
If you’re interested in individual therapy, please fill in our referral form and one of the team will contact you within three working days to discuss your particular needs and to arrange an initial appointment.
How does individual therapy work?
Who Does Individual Therapy Help?
Dance movement therapy and art therapy can help people of all ages with:
Trauma and its symptoms i.e. anxiety, depression, body image, relationship difficulties, PTSD
Children – developmental delays, learning difficulties, those on the autism spectrum and related disorders
Mother-infant bonding, adoption issues, attachment issues, couple/relationship issues
Physical disorders e.g. movement restrictions, chronic pain
Mental health conditions including addictions, eating disorders, anger management
Neurological disorders e.g. Parkinson’s disease
Elderly – dementia, bereavement
LGBTQIA+ – exploration of identity, acceptance in relationships, self-expression
Can support personal development; enhance personal communication, self-exploration, self-understanding
The Cost of Individual Therapy
Individual therapy costs are $160 plus GST.
You may also want to explore Dyad Therapy (2 children) or a Triad Therapy option (3 Children). Please let us know if this is something you would like to explore.
If you’re interested in individual therapy, please complete the Referral Form and one of the team will contact you to discuss your needs.
If you’re receiving the disability allowance through WINZ (Work and Income New Zealand) you may be eligible for subsidised counselling. If you are not currently receiving it, please check to see if you meet their income criteria.
Assistance is provided for counselling if the need for counselling is directly related to a person’s disability. You, your doctor and your therapist (who must be a member of the New Zealand Arts Therapy Association – ANZACATA) will need to fill out this Disability Certificate – Counselling form.
If your child/teen has been needs assessed and has Home and Community Support Services or a respite allocation you may want to discuss individual therapy funding with your assessor. This allows you to decide who/how this funding is spent. This option can be discussed with Taikura Trust. Contact us at clients@dancetherapy.co.nz to learn how you can use your individualised funding and carer support/I choose with DTNZ.
Some possible funding sources that might assist parents are listed below: