Individual Therapy

If you want to unlock a new perspective in your life, why not try creative arts therapy? We offer individual dance movement and art therapy sessions for adults and children. People use individual therapy for various reasons. From learning more about themselves, to exploring movement/art making in a therapeutic way to seeking help with a specific issue, we support people in all situations.

How does individual therapy work?

Individual dance and art therapy sessions are 50-60 minutes long (and usually involve eight sessions). Clients can explore their concerns/issues in a private setting with a registered, professional dance movement or art therapist. They take place in a comfortable space where art materials and dance movement-based equipment are available as needed. Talking can be a significant part of treatment and movement or art making may not be a part of every session. Both short-term and long-term therapy are offered, based on the client’s presenting concerns.

If you’re interested in individual therapy, please fill in this Referral Form and one of the team will contact you within three working days to discuss your particular needs and to arrange an initial appointment.

Who does individual therapy help?

Dance movement therapy and art therapy can help people with:

  • Trauma and its symptoms i.e. anxiety, depression, body image, relationship difficulties, PTSD
  • Children – developmental delays, learning difficulties, those on the autism spectrum and related disorders
  • Mother-infant bonding, adoption issues, attachment issues, couple/relationship issues
  • Physical disorders e.g. movement restrictions, chronic pain
  • Mental health conditions including addictions, eating disorders, anger management
  • Neurological disorders e.g. Parkinson’s disease
  • Elderly – dementia, bereavement
  • LGBTQIA+ – exploration of identity, acceptance in relationships, self-expression
  • Can support personal development; enhance personal communication, self-exploration, self-understanding

How does individual therapy work support children?

Individual dance movement and art therapy programmes generally consist of weekly sessions during school terms. Sessions are 30 – 60 minutes long, and the child may attend by themselves, or with a parent/caregiver, depending on the child’s needs and the goals of therapy. Sessions are held in a safe comfortable room, with movement equipment, mats, art materials and toys available for use as part of the sessions.

The focus of sessions varies depending on the child, and may involve some direction and structure from the therapist, teaching the child new skills or modelling tools and skills for parents. The sessions may also be child-led with a more open structure, creating a safe and creative space for the child to express themselves and communicate their needs to the therapist so that they can support them to grow and develop in an optimal way.

For people 17 years and under and for carers applying on behalf of someone else, please fill in this Form and one of our team will contact you to discuss your child’s particular needs and to arrange an initial appointment.

What are the costs for individual therapy?

The costs of individual therapy costs are $125 plus GST.

If you’re interested in individual therapy, please complete the Referral Form and one of the team will contact you to discuss your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get disability allowance subsidised counselling? If you’re receiving the disability allowance through WINZ (Work and Income New Zealand) you may be eligible for subsidised counselling. If you are not currently receiving it, please check to see if you meet their income criteria.

Assistance is provided for counselling if the need for counselling is directly related to a person’s disability. You, your doctor and your therapist (who must be a member of the New Zealand Arts Therapy Association – ANZACATA) will need to fill out this Disability Certificate – Counselling form.

Are there any help with these costs for children? If your child/teen has been needs assessed and has Home and Community Support Services or a respite allocation you may want to discuss individual therapy funding with your assessor. This allows you to decide who/how this funding is spent. This option can be discussed with Taikura Trust. Contact us at to learn how you can use your individualised funding and carer support/I choose with DTNZ.

Some possible funding sources that might assist parents are listed below:


“My two sons (age 10 & 9) who are on the Autism Spectrum, both made great strides after seeing their therapist, Anaia, individually. She is very intuitive to how they are feeling and how she can help them. She has a thoughtful, gentle and caring approach that has enabled my sons to form a bond with her, and through this they have improved their social skills, self-esteem, and ability to express emotions. They are now more able to self-regulate when they are having a meltdown or get overloaded with sensory issues. Best of all, my sons think it’s fun and love going to see her! We feel very blessed to have met Anaia and can’t recommend her enough.” – Mother of two boys

“When we heard of Dance Therapy, we were pleased since we would like our son to enjoy music (which he fears). Dance Therapy was not just about dancing with music but coordination of movement through play. Our son made leaps-and-bounds with Jacquelyn. She made such a huge connection that our son keeps reminding us of his Dance Therapy schedule every week. And Jacquelyn did not stop there, she keeps giving advice on how we can understand our son and work on his behaviour. Surely, Jacquelyn has made a mark in our son’s life. Cheers to the Dance Therapy team!!!” – Parent of an 8 year old with Autism & ADHD

Further information

To find out more please contact us at 09 636 3029 or email