Donate to DTNZ

Since 2013, we’ve helped more than 18,000 people using creative-based therapies. We support tamariki and adults – with a focus on people with disabilities, mental health challenges, at-risk communities, and survivors of sexual trauma. We rely heavily on the generosity of Kiwis to provide this support including through our Friends of DTNZ giving programme, one-off donations, and donations of goods and services.

DTNZ therapist undertaking a dance movement therapy session

Friends of DTNZ

Friends of DTNZ is a regular giving initiative that helps empower our deserving clients. Your donation means we can offer group and individual therapy programmes throughout the country – now and in the future.

Here’s how a regular contribution helps*

  • $5 per month: Purchases various therapeutic equipment/materials
  • $10 per month: Pays for a dance therapy session for adults with special needs
  • $20 per month: Provides a child with a disability group therapy for a term
  • $50 per month: Covers three teenagers for a term of mental health support
  • $100 per month: Enables a group of children with autism and related disorders to attend clinical arts therapy for three months

*over the course of 12 months

If you’d like to become a regular donor, sign up here. We accept credit card, debit card and automatic payments. As a registered charitable trust, your donation is tax deductible.


We also welcome one-off donations. You can donate here or make a deposit into our Kiwibank account. If you’d like to create a regular donation, please create an automatic payment via online banking using the details below:

Kiwibank account details:

  • Name: Dance Therapy NZ
  • Number: 38-9015-0417395-00
  • Reference: Use your name and ‘donation’

If you’d like a donation receipt, please email as your contact details will not be shared with us.


We always appreciate any nating your time, we often need support with administrative or marketing activities such as updating our website, accounting duties. We also welcome programme volunteers into many of our therapy groups.

Give us a call on (09) 636 3029 or email if you can help us.