Arts 4 Us Speciality

Arts 4 Us specialty for children and teens with ASD and related disorders

Arts 4 Us Specialty is a dedicated group arts therapy programme for children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disorders. Find out more about this programme to see if it’s suitable to you or your loved one.

What is Arts 4 Us Specialty?

Arts 4 Us Specialty is an arts therapy programme for school age children, tweens and teens living with Autism Spectrum and other related disorders held at the Orakei Community Centre. Arts therapy offers a unique form of support for those on the autism spectrum by promoting communication, emotional growth and social interaction, as well as creative self expression. Unlike regular art class, art therapy combines the process of healing through engaging with materials and expression of what one is thinking.

Arts 4 Us Speciality locations

At this point in time, Arts 4 Us Specialty is only available in Auckland.

  • Orakei 
    Day: Mondays
    Time: Primary age students 3.30 – 4.30pm
    Term dates: Term 1 2024: 12 February – 8 April (no session on 1 April) | Term 2 2024: 29 April – 24 June (no session 3 June) | Term 3 2024: 22 July – 9 September | Term 4 2024: 14 October – 9 December (no session 28 October)

Arts 4 Us Specialty costs

Arts 4 Us Specialty runs for part of each term. The cost over the eight weeks is $225 including GST.

Registration needed

As this is a clinical arts therapy programme, we need people to complete this Referral Form. This form is important as it allows us to better understand a client’s needs and to determine if group therapy is the most appropriate option. Any information that you submit will go into our secure client management system.

Further information

Please email if you have any questions or if you’d like further information.