Around the world, dance movement therapy is increasingly being used as a tool to heal the body and mind. It is founded on the assumption that the body and mind are interrelated, and that changing movement patterns affects change in other areas. Christine de Brenni, who submitted her thesis for her Masters in Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) at the University …
How creative arts therapy can support people who have experienced racial discrimination
Sadly the emergence of COVID-19 outbreaks resulted in racial discrimination becoming an issue many Asian people experienced worldwide. Here we look at what happened in New Zealand and explain how creative arts therapy can benefit people who have experienced racial discrimination. Racial discrimination in New Zealand An article by Te Aorewa Rolleston on Radio New Zealand revealed that research shows …
5 reasons why art therapy is effective for people on the Autism Spectrum
Art therapy has a unique ability to help people on the Autism Spectrum. Find out more about the ways it can benefit now. What is art therapy? Art therapy in its simplest definition is expressing yourself through art, for our physical, mental, emotional and also social and cultural (including spiritual) well-being. Unlike regular art class, art therapy combines the process …
10 ways to add more art into your life
We know firsthand that bringing art into your life can also help you express yourself and boost your wellbeing. The act of coordinated movement, seeing and feeling with our senses during art making helps regulate heartbeat, breathing, and even relaxes our muscles. That is why it can feel very calming when we make art and we become more in tune …